Our assembly lines have a global productivity of 150,000 units per hour and the possibility of assembling chips with cases up to 01005.
1 OSAI-AS NEOMARK TWIN automatic laser marking machine
SMT LINE 1 No. 1 EKRA serigraph with proflow No. 1 SPI KOH YOUNG KY8030-3 machine No. 8 P&P FUJI NXT II modules No. 1 No. 1 SMT Technology XL thermal discovery inert atmosphere oven with 11 zones
SMT LINE 2 No. 1 EKRA serigraph with proflow and optical inspection No. 1 SPI KOH YOUNG KY8030-3 machine No. 3 P&P FUJI AIMEX 3C modules No. 1 SMT Technology “L" thermal discovery inert atmosphere oven with 8 zones and vacuum chamber
SMT LINE 3 No. 1 EKRA serigraph with proflow and optical inspection No. 2 P&P FUJI AIMEX 3C modules No. 1 SMT Technology “M” thermal discovery inert atmosphere oven with KIC thermal profiling
100% of the boards are subjected to an AOI control: automatic optical inspection process.
AOI LINES 1 & 2 2 Koh Young Zenith 3D automatic optical inspection machines with automatic loading and unloading.